Most mycorrhiza products sold today only contain endomycorrhiza which limits the spectrum of crops mycorrhiza can be used. MycoGold™ is a complete balanced mycorrhiza blend including endomycorrhiza, ectomycorrhiza, trichoderma and beneficial bacteria to increase plant compatibility and boost production. Most soils in Australia have had their mycorrhizal population destroyed via over use of pesticides, fallow land, crop rotation and soil degradation. The loss of these mycorrhizal populations has increased the crops reliance on expensive inputs like fertiliser/pesticides and water. Replacing the mycorrhizal fungi can make the crop is less reliant on expensive inputs and still achieve maximum production.
Key Benefits
• Decades of research into beneficial mycorrhizal use in agriculture crops.
• Contains endomycorrhiza and ectomycorrhiza for broad spectrum crop species support. 95% of all crops/plants are compatible (list at end).
• Contains trichoderma which has a wide range of plant health benefits.
• Fine 250 micrometer powder for rapid uptake.
• Use less fertiliser.
• Drought resistance.
• Improve soil condition.
• Disease bio-balancing.
• Better plant health.
• Sequester carbon.
• Bigger root growth.
• Improves uptake of nutrients.
• Economical to use.
• Made in Australia.
• Use in organic (not certified currently) / sustainable / permaculture / regenerative / syntropic / veganic and conventional farming.
• 4 species of Endomycorrhizae (Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, Glomus aggregatum and Claroideoglomus etunicatum) – 160 thousand propagules/spores per kilogram minimum.
• 4 species of Ectomycorrhizae (Pisolithus arhizus, Scleroderma cepa, Rhizopogon roseolus and Laccaria laccata) – 240 million propagules/spores per kilogram minimum.
• 2 species of Trichoderma (Trichoderma harzianum and Trichoderma viride).
• 2 species of Beneficial Bacillus (Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis).
• 5 species of Beneficial Bacteria (Azospirillum brasilense, Azospirillum lipoferum, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida and Streptomyces cellulosae). – 5 billion cfu per kilogram minimum (Trichoderma, Bacillus and Bacteria total count).
• Also contains humic acid / vitamins and other selected natural ingredients to enhance growth/survival.
Pack Sizes
• 200 grams or 1 kg foil protected resealable bags. Also in a 10 kg pail.
Application Rates
Turf / Lawns: Apply 1 – 2 g per 1 m² and water into the soil profile. In high value or problem areas the rates may need to be increased to 10 g per 1 m².
Orchard / Vineyard: Apply 10 g per 1 m² around the active root zone (area irrigated normally about 1m² per plant) and water into the soil profile.
Vegetables: 0.25 g per plant and water into the soil profile.
Home Garden: Apply 10 – 50 g per 1 m² and water into the soil profile. A level teaspoon (5 ml) of MycoGold powder is about 3.0 grams.
Roses (Bare Rooted): Cover damped roots with 1 teaspoon of MycoGold powder.
Nursery: Apply 10 g per 1 m² and water into the soil profile.
Potting Mix (General): 5.0 g per 25 L bag or 200 g per m³.
Seed or Seedling/Cutting Raising Potting Mix: 9.5 g per 25 L bag or 380 g per m³.
Hydroponics / Aquaponics: Mix into reservoir with regular feeding at a rate of 5 grams per 40 litres of water.
Cuttings: Dip cutting into rooting gel/solution then lightly dip directly into MycoGold powder. Alternatively soak rooting media (cubes) in a MycoGold solution at 1 g per litre of water for up to 24 hours before taking cuttings.
Transplanting: Apply/Dip to water damped roots until covered. Try to apply at least ¼ – 1 teaspoon per plant depending on transplant size.
Seedlings: 0.38 g per litre of seedling cells. Apply to surface and water into potting mix or apply via watering can.
Tree Planting: 5 g per tree placed directly under the root ball in the planting hole.
Tree Saplings (up to 1 year): 5 – 20 g per tree watered in around the root zone. Apply enough water to carry the mycorrhizal to the root zone.
Trees (Established): 5 g per 1 m². Apply enough water to carry the mycorrhizal to the root zone.
Pasture: 1 kg per hectare per year.
Agriculture Crops: 1 kg per hectare per year.
Agriculture Crops Liquid Inject: 50 – 150 grams per hectare.
Horticulture Crops: 1 kg per hectare per year.
Mycorrhizal Seed Inoculant: 500 grams (small seed) – 1kg (large seed) per tonne of seed. Can be applied as a seed coat or dry powder. To coat seed dampen seed with a fine mist of water while mixing in the powder. Apply no more than 3 litres of solution per tonne of seed for large size seed (grain legumes, cereals) and up to 1 L per 100 kg for small seed (clover, lucerne, ryegrass). Do not wet the seed so it sticks together.
When to Apply and Re-Application:
MycoGold is a good option all year round so apply as soon as you receive the product. MycoGold is a living microbial product so if the host plants are healthy and soil conditions are good (pH close to neutral, low chemical use, adequate soil moisture) MycoGold will naturally multiply without any further inputs. If conditions are adverse, re-application is required. I personally like to re-boost microbe numbers at the beginning of each growing season which is normally in Spring each year.
Extra Information:
• Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) is now known as Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) as that describes this group of microbes more professionally.
• If applying to irrigation water ensure all filters are operational and emitters can handle 250 micron(about #70 US mesh) powder.
• Store in a cool dry area away and if possible put in the fridge(Not Freezer).
• Best before date is one year after purchase if stored in a cool dry area. Even after the best before date you can still use the product, just increase the rates by 30% per 6 months.
• Please wear a dust mask when using this product as it is a fine powder. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (S.D.S) before handling. You can find the S.D.S here.
• Do not apply fungicides with this product.
• Glomus intraradices also known as Rhizophagus irregularis. Glomus intraradices also known as Rhizophagus intraradices. Glomus aggregatum also known as Rhizophagus aggregatus. Glomus mosseae is also known as Endogone mosseae or Funneliformis mosseae. Claroideoglomus etunicatum is also known as Glomus etunicatus or Glomus etunicatum. Rhizopogon roseolus also known as Splanchnomyces roseolus. Trichoderma harzianum is also known as Sporotrichum narcissi or Trichoderma lignorum var. narcissi or Trichoderma narcissi. Trichoderma viride is also known as Hypocrea rufa f. sterilis. Bacillus subtilis is also known as Vibrio subtilis or Bacillus globigii. Bacillus licheniformis also known as Denitrobacillus licheniformis or Clostridium licheniforme. Azospirillum lipoferum also known as Spirillum lipoferum. Pseudomonas fluorescens also known as Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens or Bacillus fluorescens or Bacterium fluorescens or Liquidomonas fluorescens. Pseudomonas putida also know as Arthrobacter siderocapsulatus. Streptomyces cellulosae also known as Actinomyces cellulosae. Pisolithus arhizus also known as Lycoperdon arrizon or Pisolithus tinctorius.
Crop Compatibility
Endomycorrhizal Plants (MycoGold compatible): Abelia, Abutilon, Acacia, Acanthostachys (sometimes), African Daisies, African Iris, Agapanthus, Agave, Ageratum, Aglaonema, Alcantarea (sometimes), Alder, Alder Buckthorn, Alehoof, Alfalfa, Algerian Ivy, Allamanda, Almond, Alocasia (sometimes), Alternanthera (sometimes), Amaranth (sometimes), Amate Schefflera, Ambrosia, Amethyst Star, Anemone, Angel’s Trumpet, Angelonia, Anise, Anisetree, Anthony Waterer Spirea, Anthurium (sometimes), Apple, Apricot, Araucaria, Arborvitaes, Arizona Cypress, Artichoke, Ash, Asparagus, Aspen, Aster, Asunaro, Aucuba, Australian Tree Fern, Autumn crocus, Avens, Avocado, Bald cypress, Balloon Flower, Balm, Bamboo, Banana, Baobab, Barberry, Barley, Barrel cactus, Barren Strawberries, Basil, Bayberry, Bean, Beardtongues, Beargrass, Bee Balm, Bee Plants (sometimes), Beefsteak Plant, Beet (sometimes), Beetroot (sometimes), Begonia, Bellflower, Bengal Clockvine, Betel Palm, Betony, Bignonia, Bindweed, Bird of Paradise, Bird’s-Foot Trefoils, Black Cherry, Black Locust, Black-eyed Susan Vine, Blackberry, Blackeyed Susan, Bleeding heart (sometimes), Bloodleaf (sometimes), Blue Daisy, Blue Daze, Blue Grama, Blue Holly, Blue Twilight, Blue Wonder, Blueweed, Bluewings (sometimes), Bottlebrush, Bougainvillea (sometimes), Box Elder, Boxthorn, Boxwood, Brasiliana (sometimes), Brazil nut, Brazilian Rubber, Broad bean, Broadleaf Bamboo, Brocchinia (sometimes), Bronze Alocasia (sometimes), Buckthorn, Buckwheat (sometimes), Buddha Belly Bamboo, Buffaloberry, Bugle-weed, Bulbs (all), Burclover, Burning Bush, Bush Allamanda, Bush Daisy, Butcher’s broom, Buttercups, Butterfly bush, Butterfly-Bush, Cabbage Palm, Cacao, Cactus, Calabach, Calendula, Calibrachoa, California Lilac, California Poppy (sometimes), Callistemon, Camellia, Campanula, Camphor, Campion (sometimes), Campsis, Canistrum (sometimes), Canna Lily, Cannabis, Cape Honeysuckle, Capers (sometimes), Capsicum, Carambola, Caraway, Carissa, Carolina Allspice, Carolina Jessamine, Carrot, Cashew, Cassava, Cast Iron Plant, Castor oil plant, Catalpa, Catchfly (sometimes), Catharanthus, Cathedral Plant, Catmint, Catnip, Catopsis (sometimes), Catsfoot, Ceanothus, Cedar, Celery, Celosia (sometimes), Century Plant, Chamaecyparis, Chameleon Plant, Chamomile, Chard (sometimes), Chaste Tree, Cheesewood, Chenille Plant, Cherry, Cherry Laurel, Chickpea, Chicory, Chilli, China Aster, China Doll, China-fir, Chindo Viburnum, Chinese arborvitae, Chinese Bellflower, Chinese Elm, Chinese Evergreen, Chinese Juniper, Chinese Money Plant, Chinese Privet, Chinese Skullcap, Chinese Tallow, Chinese-Lantern, Chives, Chlorophytum, Chokeberry, Christmas Cactus, Chrysanthemum, Cinnamon, Citrus (all), Clearweed, Clematis, Clethra, Clover, Coconut, Coconut Palm, Coffee, Coleus, Columbine, Common Ardisia, Common Canna, Common Daisy, Common Schefflera, Compact Xylosma, Coneflower, Confederate Jasmine, Copper Leaf, Coral Bells (sometimes), Coral Tree, Coreopsis, Coriander, Corn, Corylopsis, Cosmos, Cotoneaster, Cotton, Cottongrass (sometimes), Cottonwood, Cow’s Tongue, Cowpea, Crab Tree, Crabapple, Cranesbills, Creeper, Creeping Charlie, Creeping Fig, Creeping Juniper, Creeping Zinnias, Creosote Bush, Crepe Myrtle, Crested Lark (sometimes), Crocus, Cuban Laurel, Cucumber, Cup Flowers, Cuphea, Cupressocyparis, Curly Ardisia, Currant, Cyclamen, Cypress, Cytisus, Dahlia, Daphnes, Date Palm, Dawn redwood, Daylily hybrids, Deadnettle, Deervetches, Delphinium, Dentata (sometimes), Desert Rose, Devil’s Ivy (sometimes), Dill, Diplacus, Dipladenia, Dogwood, Dolichos, Dolphin Violet, Dove tree, Downy Jasmine, Dracaena, Dragon Flower, Dragon tree, Durian, Dusty Miller, Dwarf Ardisia, Dwarf Boxthorn, Dwarf Burford Holly, Dwarf Carpet Bamboo, Dwarf Ixora, Dwarf Jasmine, Dwarf Papyrus (sometimes), Dwarf Schefflera, Dyckia (sometimes), Earth Star (sometimes), East Palatka Holly, Eastern Redbud, Eastern Redcedar, Echinacea, Eggplant, Elephant Ear (sometimes), Elm, English Daisy, English Ivy, Eremophila, Ericas, Erythrina, Eucalyptus, Eugenia, Euphorbia, European Fan Palm, Evergreen Giant Liriope, Everlastings, Faba bean, Fall Mums, False Cypress, False Heather, Fatsia, Fava bean, Felicia, Fennel, Fescue grass, Fiddleleaf Fig, Field Balm, Fig, Fig Tree, Firebush, Firecracker, Firethorn, Flaming Sword (sometimes), Flax, Florists’ Kalanchoe (sometimes), Flossflower, Flowering Dogwood, Flowering Quince, Flowers (most), Forget-me-not (sometimes), Forsythia, Fortune’s Mahonia, Foster’s Holly, Fountain Grass, Foxgloves, Fraser’s Photinia, Freesia, Friendship Plant (sometimes), Fringe Bush, Fringe Tree, Fuchsia, Gaillardia, Garden beet (sometimes), Gardenia, Garlic, Gazania, Gentian, Geraniums, Gerber Daisy, Gerbera, Geum, Giant Clumping Bamboo, Giant redwood, Gill-over-the Ground, Ginger, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Gladiolus, Globe Amaranth (sometimes), Glossy Abelia, Glyptostrobus, Goldband Sansevieria, Golden chain, Golden Dewdrop, Golden Eye, Golden Girl, Golden Globe, Golden Shower, Golden Shrub Daisy, Golden Trumpet, Goldenrods, Goldfish species (& hybrids), Goldfish Vine, Gooseberry, Goosefoots (sometimes), Granny’s Bonnet, Grape – raisin, Grape – table, Grape – wine, Grape Ivy, Grapefruit, Grapevine, Grass Tree, Grasses, Green Ash, Green Ligustrum, Green Maranta, Green-leaved Euryops, Ground-Ivy, Guarana, Guava, Guayule, Guzmania (sometimes), Hackberry, Hardenbergia, Harrington Plum Yew, Haworthia, Hawthorn, Heal-all, Heavenly Bamboo, Hebe, Hedge Bamboo, Hedgenettle, Helichrysum, Heliconia, Heliotropes (sometimes), HelleriHolly, Hemp, Herbs (all), Hibiscus, Hohenbergia (sometimes), Holly, Hollyhock, Homalomena (sometimes), Honeysuckle, Hops, Horse chestnut, Hortensia, Hosta, Houseleek (sometimes), Houttuynia, Hyacinth, Hydrangea, Hypoestes, Ice Plants (sometimes), Iceplant (sometimes), Illicium, Impatiens, Incense-cedar, Indian Feather, Indian Hawthorn, Indian Mallow, Indigo bush, Indigofera, Inkberry Holly, Ipe, Iris, Ironwood tree, Isopogon, Isotoma, Italian Cypress, Ivy, Ixora, Jacaranda, Jade Plant (sometimes), Japanese Barberry, Japanese Beautyberry, Japanese Boxwood, Japanese cedar, Japanese Cleyera, Japanese Holly, Japanese Honeysuckle, Japanese Ternstroemia, Japanese Umbrella Pine, Japgarden Juniper, Jasmine, Jatropha, Jewelweeds, Joe Pye, Jojoba, Joyweeds (sometimes), Jujube, Juniper, Kaffir Lily, Kangaroo Paws, Kennedia, King Sago, Kiwi Fruit, Knapweeds, Koelreuteria, Kola Nut, Korean Boxwood, Kousa Dogwood, Koyamaki, Laceleaf (sometimes), Lamb’s ears, Lamiastrum, Lantana, Larkspur, Laurel Clockvine, Laurentia, Laurus, Lavender, Leatherleaf Mahonia, Leek, Lemon, Lentil, Leptospermum, Leschenaultia, Lettuce, Leucanthemum, Leyland Cypress, Ligustrum, Lilac, Lily, Lily of the valley, Lilyturf, Lime, Linaria, Lindheimer’s Beeblossom, Lindheimer’s Clockweed, Lipstick Plant, Liquorice, Liriope, Lisianthus, Lithodora (sometimes), Little Princess Spirea, Lobelia, Locust, Longan, Lophospermum (sometimes), Loquat, Lotus, Lovage, Love Flower, Lucerne, Luffa, Lupines (sometimes), Lychee, Lymania (sometimes), Magnolia, Mahonia, Maiden Grass, Maidenhair (sometimes), Maidenhair Fern, Maidenhair Tree, Maize, Mallow (& hybrids), Mandevilla, Mandrake, Mango, Maples (all), Marigold, Marjoram, Meadow Grass, Meadowsweet, Mecardonia (sometimes), Medick, Medlar, Melaleuca, Melampodium, Melon, Melons (all), Mesquite, Mexican Fan Palm, Milkweed, Millet, Millettia, Mimosa, Mimulus, Mint, Miscanthus, Mock Orange, Mondo Grass, Money Tree (sometimes), Monkey Puzzle, Moonflower, Morning Glory, Mountain Laurel, Muhly Grass, Mulberry, Mums, Myosotis (sometimes), Myrtaceae, Myrtle, Nagi Podocarpus, Nandina, Nasturtium, Natal Plum, Nellie R. Stevens Holly, Nemesia, Neoregelia (sometimes), Nephthytis (sometimes), New Guinea Impatiens, New Zealand Tea, Nierembergia, Night Jessamine, Norfolk Island Pine, Oakleaf Hydrangea, Oat, Oats, Oil Palm, Okinawan Holly, Okra, Oleander, Olive, Onion, Ophiopogon, Orange, Orange Clockvine, Oregano, Oregon grape, Ornamental Pepper, Osteospermum, Pachyphytum (sometimes), Pacific Yew, Palm Grass, Palm Lily, Palms (all), Pampas Grass, Pandora Vine, Panicum, Pansy, Papaya, Papaya Sumac, Paper Flower (sometimes), Papyrus sedge (sometimes), Parsley, Parsnips, Parson’s Juniper, Passion Flower, Passion Fruit, Paulownia, Paw Paw, Pawpaw, Peace Lily (sometimes), Peach, Peanut, Pear, Peas, Pelargoniums, Pennisetum, Penstemon, Pentas, Peony, Pepper, Peppers (all), Peppertree, Perilla, Periwinkle, Periwinkles, Persian Violet, Persimmon tree, Petunia, Petunias, Philodendron (sometimes), Phlox, Photinia , Pickle Plant (sometimes), Pigweed, Pincushion Flowers, Pindo Palm, Pineapple (sometimes), Pineapple Guava, Pink Gaura, Pistachio, Pittosporum, Plane tree, Plantain, Platycodon, Plectranthus, Plum, Plumbago (Blue), Plume plant, Podocarpus, Poinsettia, Polka Dot Plant, Pony Tail, Poplar, Poppy (sometimes), Portulaca, Potato, Pothos (sometimes), Powderpuff, Prayer Plant, Prickly pears, Primrose, Primrose Jasmine, Primula, Privet, Pumpkin, Purple Glory Tree, Purple Queen (sometimes), Purple Waffle Plant, Purslanes, Pyracantha, Queen’s-Tears (sometimes), Quesnelia (sometimes), Quince, Quinoa (sometimes), Rambutan, Raspberry, Red Bay, Red Butterfly, Red Flame Ivy, Red Fountain Grass, Red Maranta, Red mistletoe cactus, Red Rhipsalis, Red-hot Poker, Redbud, Redwood, Reed Grass, Rhaphiolepis, Rice, River Oats, Rockfoils (sometimes), Rockmelon, Rose, Rose of Sharon, Rosemary, Rowan, Rubber Plant, Rubber tree, Ruellia, Run-Away Robin, Rushes (sometimes), Rye, Ryegrass, Sage, Sagebrush, Salpiglossis, Salt cedar, Saltbush (sometimes), Salvia, Sandankwa Viburnum, Sander’s Elephant Ear (sometimes), Sansevieria, Sapphire Flower, Sasanqua Camellia, Saxifrage (sometimes), Scabious, Schilling’s Dwarf Holly, Schipka Laurel, Scilla, Scotch Broom, Sea-buckthorn, Sea-Purslanes (sometimes), Sedge (sometimes), Selfheal, Senecio, Sequoia, Serissa, Serotina Honeysuckle, Shadbush, Shallot, Shasta Daisy, Shasta Doublefile Viburnum, Shasta Viburnum, Shore Juniper, Shrimp Plant, Shrub Althea, Silk plant, Silver Dollar Gum, Silver Ragwort, Silverbell, Silverberry, Silverthorn, Sirise, Snake Plant, Snapdragon, Sneezeweeds, Snow Bush, Solidago, Solomon’s seal, Song of India, Sophora, Sorghum, Sourwood, Southern Magnolia, Southern Red Cedar, Sowbread, Soybean, Spearworts, Speedwell, Spider Flowers (sometimes), Spider Lily, Spiderworts (sometimes), Spilanthes, Spinach (sometimes), Spindle tree, Spirea, Split-leaved Philodendron (sometimes), Sprengeri Fern, Spring Bouquet, Spurge, Squash, St. John’s Wort, Star Anise, Star fruit, Star Jasmine, Star Juniper, Statice, Stemodia, Stonecrop (sometimes), Storax, Storksbills, Strawberry, Strawflower, String of Dolphins, String of Hearts, Strobilanthes, Styrax, Succulents, Sudan Grass, Sugar beet (sometimes), Sugarcane, Sumac, Sunflower, Surfinia, Sweet leaf, Sweet Olive, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato Vine, Sweet Viburnum, Sweetgum, Sweetshrub, Sweetspire, Sycamore, Tahitian Bridal Veil (sometimes), Taxus, Tea, Tea tree, Teak, Texas Sage, Thorntree, Thujas, Thunbergia, Thyme, Ti Plant, Tibouchina, Tick clover, Tiger’s Jaws (sometimes), Tithonia, Toadflax, Tobacco, Tolleson’s Blue Weeping Juniper, Tomato, Torenia (sometimes), Touch-Me-Nots, Trailing Lantana, Triangle Ficus, True Myrtle, Tufted air plants (sometimes), Tuldoides Bamboo, Tulip, Tulip Tree, Tunhoof, Twinspur, Umbrella Plant (sometimes), Variegated Japanese Euonymus, Velvet Rose, Velvetleaf, Verbena, Verticordia, Vervains, Vetch, Viburnum, Vinca, Viola, Violet, Vriesea (sometimes), Waldsteinia, Walnut, Walter’s Viburnum, Water Convolvulus, Water Crowfoots, Water Willow, Watermelon, Wax Jasmine, Wax Plant, Wax-leaf Ligustrum, Wedelia, Weeping Fig, Weigela, Wheat, White Gaura, Whiteweed, Wild Petunias, Willow, Wind Flowers, Windmill Palm, Wingnut, Winter Daphne, Wire Grass, Wishbone Flowers (sometimes), Wisteria, Witch alder, Witch-hazel, Wollemi Pine, Woodflowers (sometimes), Woundwort, Xylosma, Yam, Yarrows, Yaupon Holly, Yellow Archangel, Yellow Buttons, Yellow Canna, Yellowhorn, Yesterday Today and Tomorrow, Yew, Yucca, Zelkova, Zinnia.
Ectomycorrhizal Plants (MycoGold compatible): Acacia, Alder, Aspen, Avens, Beech, Birch, Bottlebrush, Canadian Hemlock, Cedar, Chestnut, Chinkapin, Chinquapin, Cottonwood, Deodar Cedar, Douglas Fir, Eucalyptus, Fir, Frostweed, Gaultheria, Golden Larch, Hazel, Hazel-Hornbeam, Hazelnut, Hemlock, Hickory, Hop-Hornbeam, Hornbeam, Kalmia, Lambkill, Larch, Laurel Oak, Leptospermum, Lime Tree, Linden, Linden Tree, Live Oak, Madrone, Manzanita, New Zealand Tea, Nuttall Oak, Oak, Pecan, Pine, Poplar, Rock rose, Rushrose, Silver Dollar Gum, Southern Beech, Spruce, Sunrose, Tan oak, Tea tree, Thorntree, Willow, Willow Oak, Witch Hazel.
Non Mycorrhizal Plants (MycoGold hasn’t been scientifically proven to be beneficial but won’t cause any harm. Other microbes and ingredients in this product are beneficial to these plants): Aethionema, Airplants, Arugula, Aubrieta, Azalea, Baby’s Tears, Banksia, Bastard cabbages, Bittercresses, Bladderpod, Blueberry, Broccoli, Bromelia, Bromeliad, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Camelina, Candytuft, Canola, Cardamine, Carnation, Cattleya, Caulanthus, Cauliflower, Collards, Common heather, Coontails, Corydalis, Cranberry, Cress, Crowberry, Cusickiella, Cymbidium, Daboecia, Dactylorhiza, Daggerpod, Damask-Violet, Dame’s Gilliflower, Dame’s rocket, Dame’s-Violet, Dames-Wort, Dendrobium, Deuterocohnia, Dianthus, Diplotaxis, Echeveria spp., Epidendrum, Erysimum, False Flax, Fetterbush, Fringepods, Gaylussacia, Gladecresses, Heath, Heather, Heliophila, Honesty, Hornungia, Hornwarts, Horseradish, Hottentot Fig, Huckleberry, Ice Plant, Ionopsidium, Jewelflower, Jewelflowers, Johnston’s Seaheath, Kale, Lacepods, Leucothoe, Lobularia, Macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia), Morisia, Mother-of-the-Evening, Mulla Mulla, Mustard, Night-Scented Gilliflower, Oncidium, Orchid, Orychophragmus, Palmer’s Seaheath, Paphiopedilum, Pennycress, Phalaenopsis, Pigface, Pokeweed, Prince’s Plumes, Protea, Ptilotus, Purplerocket, Queen’s Gilliflower, Radish, Rapeseed, Rhipsalis species (& hybrids), Rhododendron, Rockcresses, Rogue’s Gilliflower, Rutabaga, Seaheath, Searockets, Sedge, Sour Fig, Stocks, Stonecresses, Summer Lilac, Sundews, Sweet Alyssum, Sweet Rocket, Sweet William, Tillandsia, Toothworts, Turnip, Twistflower, Venus Fly Trap, Violet Cabbage, Virginia Stock, Wall-Rocket, Wallflower Phoenicaulis, Wasabi, Watercress, White Mustard, Whitlow-Grasses, Wild Cabbage, Winter Gilliflower, Woad, Yellowcress, Yellowcresses.
Inconclusive Mycorrhizal Plants (We suspect but more science is needed before recommending): Narrow leaf lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), Mediterranean white lupin (Lupinus albus), Yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus) and Sandplain lupin (Lupinus cosentinii).
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)
How do mycorrhizal fungi work?
Mycorrhizal Fungi form symbiotic relationships with the roots of plants. They provide them with soil nutrients/water that would otherwise be inaccessible. These fungi not only grow within the roots of plants, but also form an intricate network around the roots and soils where it looks for nutrients. Plants provide the fungi simple sugars they produce through photosynthesis in exchange for their service. On top of this they can for a mycorrhizal network that allows plants to communicate about potential threats!
What are mycorrhizal fungi?
Mycorrhizal fungi are a non-monophyletic group (they have distinct genetic lineages) of fungi that form symbiotic associations with the roots of plants.
Why are mycorrhizae important?
Mycorrhizal fungi have allowed plants to dominate the terrestrial world by allowing plants to grow in soils that would otherwise be inhospitable. They are not only crucial to wild ecosystems but also agriculture and forestry.
What do mycorrhizal fungi do?
Mycorrhizal fungi provide many beneficial services to the plants they associate with but are best known for their ability to provide plants with mineral nutrients from soils, particularly phosphorus.
Which plants benefit from mycorrhizal fungi?
Plants that are growing in less than optimal conditions and in soils that may be limited in some nutrients. Most plants can form these associations but only will when absolutely needed. Almost all types of plants form these associations, excluding the mustard family.
How to use mycorrhizal fungi?
To apply mycorrhizal fungi you typically apply an inoculant made of spores into the soil or near the roots of plants.
What is a Mycorrhizal Inoculant?
A Mycorrhizal Inoculant is material which contains dormant spores of mycorrhizal fungi that can be introduced to plants to induce symbiosis. Once the spores are hydrated and no longer in dormancy they start to associate with plant roots within 24-36 hours.
How to use mycorrhizal inoculant?
When planting from seed you can apply a small sprinkle directly into where you are placing seeds. When transplanting apply the inoculant near the roots of your transplant. Alternatively you can slightly mix it with the top soil near the roots of established plants.
Can you use mycorrhizal fungi after planting?
It is best to apply directly near the seed or root zone of plants, but it can be applied as a top dressing and gently mixed/watered in.
Can you use too much mycorrhizae?
No, but it is not cost effective to use an excessive quantity.
How do you inoculate soil with mycorrhizae?
You can use fresh soil from a healthy pasture but that has added problems as undesirable microbes (pathogens) could be added so best to use a clean inoculmn.
Does tap water kill mycorrhizae?
Chlorine or Chloramine in tap water may harm and inhibit mycorrhizae but will not severely affect established mycorrhizal fungi. Have an aerator on your tap to the chlorine can escape.
Does fertilizer kill mycorrhizae?
Some synthetic fertilizers damage mycorrhizal fungi and inhibit their growth. Well nourished plants in well fertilized soils are less inclined to form mycorrhizal relationships. Compost and other natural amendments should not interfere with mycorrhizal fungi.
How long does mycorrhizae take to work?
In just a couple of days you can begin seeing improvements in growth and health of plants!
How do you feed mycorrhizae?
There is no need to! Plants feed them through sugars produced by photosynthesis.
Can you top dress mycorrhizae?
It is best to slightly mix mycorrhizal inoculants in to the top soil to protect it from environmental stresses and place it near the root zone.
What do mycorrhizal fungi eat?
Mycorrhizal fungi mostly consume simple sugars produced by plants that they receive in exchange for nutrients they extract from soil.
What are the two types of mycorrhizae?
The two most common are Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Ectomycorrhizae. Arbuscular Mycorrhizae are the most common and associated with 95% of plant species including most crops of agricultural value. Arbuscular Mycorrhizae do not form mushroom fruiting bodies and are also sometimes referred to as “endomycorrhizae”. Ectomycorrhizae are associated with widely dispersed and long lived perennial trees like Oak, Pine, and other Conifers. There are several other types of mycorrhizal fungi but they are less common and associate with select groups of plants.
What are Endomycorrhizal Fungi?
Endomycorrhizal Fungi form mycorrhizal structures inside the root cells of plants. There are different types of Endomycorrhizal fungi but the most widespread are Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi (AM fungi) that belong to the genus Glomus. These fungi do not form the mushroom fruiting bodies but solely produce soil borne spores. AM fungi associate with about 95% of plant species and are the most relevant in agricultural contexts.
What are Ectomycorrhizal Fungi?
Ectomycorrhizal Fungi (EM Fungi) are fungi who do not form mycorrhizal structures within the root cells but grow profusely between the root cells. They contain 3 main components: a hyphal matrix that surrounds the cells, a sheath that surrounds the root bark, and hyphae that extends out into the soil. These fungi produce mushroom fruiting bodies including many prized edible species. EM Fungi associate with Oak, Pine and other dominant forest species which only encompass around 4% of all plant diversity. They do not associate with conventional crops.
What are the benefits of mycorrhizae?
They allow plants to live in otherwise inhospitable soils by providing them with access to soil nutrients and water. This increases productivity and final yield without the need for extra inputs in an agricultural context. .
Can mycorrhizae be harmful to plants?
No. While some studies suggest minor pathogenic behavior in laboratory conditions, this is rare and not observed in field studies.
Does fungicide kill mycorrhizae?
Yes it can. Fungicide can inhibit growth and even deplete the soil of mycorrhizal fungi. Only use fungicides if it makes sense. If applying fungicide wait 4 weeks until applying MycoGold.
What is a Mycorrhizal Network?
The Mycorrhizal Network connects plants of the same or different species through fungal mycelium. This allows plants to exchange nutrients and alert each other of environmental threats.
Is Mycorrhizae a Fertilizer?
Mycorrhizae does not directly improve your soil fertility or contain plant nutrients.
Are Mycorrhizae Mushrooms?
No. They are a fungi, most of which do not actually produce mushroom fruiting bodies! Mushrooms are actually only the reproductive structure produced by specific groups of fungi.
Do Mycorrhizal Fungi live without Plants?
Mycorrhizal Fungi cannot grow and complete their life cycle without associating with plants.
Is mycorrhizal fungi compatible with legume rhizobium bacteria?
Yes there isn’t a issue as they both do different functions for the plant. Follow the application rates for each.
How do you pronounce Mycorrhizae?
It is pronounced: mai·koh·rai·zee or Mike·O·Ri·Zee
How do you pronounce Mycorrhizal?
It is pronounced: mai·koh·rai·zal or Mike·O·Ri·Zal
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